Student Spotlight: Rowan Feasel

Union, Mississippi
Why English?
I have always loved to read stories. From the first time I turned the pages of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and The Rainbow Fish and Chrysanthemum as a little girl, I knew that stories had this power. While I have graduated from these children’s books, I still believe in the importance of the words we read and write and speak. I want to understand the stories of other people - whether I find that story in a book, poem, or the person sitting across from me in the Student Union. I also want to better develop my own story. Ultimately, I am an English major because I want to carry on the legacy of beautiful words!
Clubs and Organizations:
I am a member of the Famous Maroon Band Color Guard, and I am currently in the application process for a writing position at The Reflector. Last semester, I participated in the Griffis Living Learning Community.
- I am a Presidential Scholar at Mississippi State.
Favorite Books Reads for Class:
This semester I read The Odyssey for the first time. (I know as an English major I should have read this epic sooner, but at least, I have finally lived up to my major at MSU. Ha!) I was so drawn to the work that I wrote two essays on the story. In addition to my Odysseus obsession, I love Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.
I like to travel, watch new movies, and try new restaurants. I am currently dabbling with painting in my free time too.